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JK Police Constable Admit Card 2024 Out, Download Hall Ticket

The Jammu and Kashmir Police Department has officially released the JK Police Constable Admit Card 2024 for all candidates who applied for the Constable post. The admit card, which is a mandatory document for appearing in the examination, was made available on 25th November 2024. Aspirants who have registered for this recruitment can now download their hall tickets from the official website for the exam scheduled on December 1st, 2024.

JK Police Constable Admit Card Download Link

Candidates who are going to appear in the written exam for Jammu and Kashmir Constable, can download their hall ticket from the official website at https://jkssb.nic.in/. You will need your Application number and date of birth to download your JK Police admit card. As you know this is one of the mandatory document while appearing for the exam, so don’t forget to take a print of it. For the ease of candidates, we also have given direct link here to download JK Police Constable admit card.

JK Police Constable Admit Card Link – Click here to Download

How to Download JK Police Constable Admit Card 2024?

Downloading the JK Police Admit Card 2024 is a simple and straight forward process. Follow these steps to access your admit card:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Navigate to the official Jammu and Kashmir Police Recruitment Board website. Ensure you are on the authentic site to avoid fraudulent links.
  2. Find the Admit Card Link: Look for the “JK Police Constable Admit Card 2024” link on the homepage or under the “Latest Updates” section.
  3. Enter Required Information: You will be asked to enter details such as your registration number and date of birth. Make sure you input the correct information.
  4. Download the Admit Card: Once your details are verified, the admit card will appear on the screen. Download it in PDF format.
  5. Take a Printout: For easy reference on exam day, print a hard copy of the admit card. You will need to carry the printed copy to the exam center.

What if There’s an Issue with Your Admit Card?

In case of any discrepancy or issue with your JK Police Constable admit card, such as incorrect information or the inability to download the document, follow these steps:

  1. Double-Check Your Information: Ensure that the details you’ve entered (such as your registration number and date of birth) are accurate.
  2. Contact the Authorities: If you are still unable to download your admit card or spot an error, contact the JK Police Recruitment Board for immediate resolution.
  3. Download Again: If you lose or misplace your admit card after downloading it, simply go back to the official website and re-download it using your credentials.

Important Exam Day Instructions

Here are some key instructions that you should keep in mind before heading to the exam center:

  1. Arrive Early: Make sure to reach the exam venue at least 30-45 minutes before the reporting time to avoid any delays.
  2. Bring Your Admit Card and Valid ID: Along with your printed admit card, carry a valid photo ID proof, such as your Aadhar card, voter ID, or passport, for identity verification.
  3. No Electronics Allowed: Electronic devices such as mobile phones, calculators, or smartwatches are not permitted inside the exam hall. Leave them at home or in your vehicle.
  4. Follow COVID-19 Guidelines: Depending on the current health situation, follow any health protocols in place, such as wearing a mask or practicing social distancing.

Key Points to Check on Your JK Police Admit Card

Before downloading and printing your admit card, it’s crucial to verify all the details provided on it. Ensure the following:

  • Personal Details: Your name, photo, and other personal information should be accurate. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to the recruitment authorities.
  • Exam Center Information: The admit card will contain the address and details of your exam center. Double-check this information to ensure there are no last-minute changes.
  • Exam Date & Time: The admit card will also list the date and time of your examination. Be sure to arrive at the venue well before the scheduled start time.
  • Roll Number: This unique number is assigned to you for the exam and will be used for all future reference.
  • General Instructions: Follow the instructions provided on the admit card regarding exam-day protocols.

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JK Police Constable Admit Card 2024 Out, Download Hall Ticket_3.1


How can I download JK Constable admit card 2024?

You can visit official website at jkssb.nic.in to download JK Constable admit card 2024. It will just take 1 minute to complete the whole process.

Is JK Police admit card 2024 Out?

JK Police Constable admit card 2024 has been released on the official website on 25th November 2024.